The following tools are available.
The information contained in the worksheets below has been compiled
by the NZCCPTS for the use of its members from sources believed
to be reliable, but neither the NZCCPTS nor any of the contributors
to these worksheets (whether or not employed by NZCCPTS) undertake
any responsibility for any mis-statement of information or mistake
in the worksheets, and readers should rely on their own judgement
or, if in doubt, seek expert advice on the application of the worksheets
to work being carried out. |
Calculation Worksheets
Worksheets are attached for calculating in Power Company
Distribution Networks:
- the EPR on distribution transformer earthing systems, HV
conductive poles and urban MEN systems, and
- the earth impedances of typical Urban MEN systems.
These worksheets correspond to worked examples used in the
AS/NZS Handbook HB 219 ‘Earth potential rise – Protection of
telecommunications users, personnel and plant – Worked examples
for the application guide’.
EPR Calculation Worksheets
Urban MEN Impedance Calculation Worksheets
Mathcad Worksheets Version Number
The above Mathcad worksheets can be read using Mathcad
version 10 (also known as Mathcad version 2001 or 2001i) or a
later version of Mathcad.
To obtain a copy of Mathcad, or to get advice if you are having problems using Mathcad, visit