New Zealand Committee for the Co-ordination of Power and Telecommunication Systems (NZCCPTS)


"Our objective is to provide guidance on efficient cost-effective measures for the limitation of hazard and interference between Power and Telecommunication Systems."

Welcome to the New Zealand Committee for the Co-ordination of Power and Telecommunication Systems (NZCCPTS) website.


Membership of the Committee and its working parties currently comprises representatives from each of the following organisations:

  • Electricity Engineers' Association of New Zealand (Inc.)
  • Energy Safety, WorkSafe NZ
  • Chorus New Zealand Ltd
  • Transpower New Zealand Ltd
  • KiwiRail (KiwiRail Holdings Ltd)

Other telecommunication providers have also been involved in the development of NZCCPTS documents.

Publications and Seminars

By means of publications and seminars, NZCCPTS promotes a greater awareness and understanding of the actions that must be taken to ensure that Power and Telecommunication Systems may co-exist satisfactorily.

EPR Worked Examples

Worksheets for the Calculation of EPR and Typical Urban MEN Impedance in Power Company Distribution Networks are available in the tools section.

For More Information

For further information concerning the NZCCPTS and its published guides, and for comments and suggestions on possible topics relevant to the Committee's objective, please contact us.

A tribute to Mike O’Brien

NZCCPTS was saddened to hear of the death of Mike O’Brien on the 10 December 2021.

Mike was a career electrical engineer with Transpower, formerly the NZ Electricity Department (NZED) and was the designated commissioning engineer for the original mercury arc valve converters that formed the Benmore to Haywards high voltage direct current (HVDC) link commissioned in 1965. Such systems were potentially able to cause interference issues to AC distribution power supplies, and it was no doubt this experience that got Mike co-opted onto the NZCCPTS committee. Mike later took over the NZCCPTS Chairman/Secretary role in 2002 and held it until 2016 (when he finally retired from all technical work). During this period Mike oversaw an extensive amount of NZCCPTS committee work and standards development. Mike also had the privilege to participate at a small ceremony when the original mercury arc valve HVDC equipment (then called Pole 1) was finally turned off in 2012 after 47 years of faithful service. This relatively long service was a testament to Mike’s and other colleagues’ work over the years. Pole 1 was the last major working mercury arc valve converter station in the world.

Rest in peace Mike and we thank you for your contribution to NZCCPTS power and telecommunications co-ordination work.

NZCCPTS Executive Committee – December 2021